
Related Products

There are three types of related products that you can display on your website, Related, Upsell and Top 10.  You and your designer need to decide what type of related products you want to display and how they will be displayed.


Related products are products that are similar to the current product.  Click the Add New link to add products to this section.  

Upsell Products

Upsell products are products that you want the user to purchase in addition to the current product.  For example, if the person added a red scarf to their cart, you would display a matching red purse as an upsell product.

Click the Edit link to manage your Upsell products

Upsell Groups

Upsell groups are groups to display and categorize multiple upsell products.  For example, if the person just purchased box of chocolates, you could have 3 birthday cards, 2 bouquet of flowers and 4 bottles of wine as upsell products.  To visually group the like products you would create three upsell groups and assign each upsell product to one of the groups.  Then on the site, the designer can nicely display the products in a grouped manner.

Birthday Cards



Top 10

The top ten also ordered products is automatically generated by the system based on previous purchases.  You can not alter or influence the products. 

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