Using the System Administration

Using the System Administration Tips

System Requirements

For an optimal experience, use one of the following browsers listed below when using the system administration

  • Google Chrome 27 or greater
  • FireFox 22 or greater
  • Internet Explorer 10.0 or greater
  • Safari 6.0 or greater

Important Note: These requirements are only for the system administraiton, not the public pages of your website of which will function with nearly any web browser.

Modules Home Page

All of the installed modules for your site are visible as icons when you click the green home tab on the top left

  • Users who belong to the access group Administrators are able to view and manage all modules.  
  • The group Administrators can not be disabled for any module.
  • If you do not see a module that you know is installed, contact your system administrator about granting you access
  • To install a new module, you can upgrade your account to a version that has the desired module or contact your sales representative for assistance

Module Tabs

When you click on a module it will open up with a new tab in the top menu.  

  • You can close a module by simply clicking on the X to the right of the module name in the top tab
  • Once you have opened up more modules than can fit across the width of the page, you will see a More menu where you will see the remaining modules

Minimized Windows

Each layer can be minimized to the window tray of the application

  • Click the - in the upper right corner of the layer to minimized the window
  • Click the minimized window in the bottom tray called Open Windows to maximize it
  • When you close a module by clicking on the x in the module tab, all minimized windows will be closed as well


All the grids in the system load the data in the grid dynamically

  • None of the grids have paging (Page 1, Page 2, Page 3), but rather dynamically load as you scroll down.
  • When you delete objects in grids, they are moved to the Trash in most instances, but not always.  
  • When you see as the first column ::: it means you can grab the row and drag it to a different position to change the sorting of the object
  • Some grids have options when you right click on the row

Grid Columns

Most grids have a Columnns link in the top right of the header where you can show/hide different columns and adjust the sort order

  • Click the Columns link in the grid to see all available columns
  • Drag the columns to change the desired order
  • Click the check box next to each column if you want to see it in the grid
  • Make sure you click Save to implement your changes

Sorting of Objects in a Grid

  • When you see as the first column ::: it means you can grab the row and drag it to a different position to change the sorting of the object


Each page has several locations where you can find help links should you need help.  

Some of the locaitons of help links are as follows:

  1. In the Blue bar on the far right side
  2. In the header bar of a layer
  3. Within the content
  4. The uppermost top left menu

Versions and Content Recovery

Most pages of the site have a section on the bottom labeled "Versions".  

  • Each time a page is saved, a new version is created
  • To view a previous version, click on the icon of the row you want to open called "Open"
  • To restore content or previous settings, Open the previous version and Save


Nearly all grids in the system have a bottom row with a Trash Can in the bottom right.  

  • When most (not all) objects are deleted, they are moved to the trash can
  • To recover an object, just click on the trash can, and click the Restore icon for the object you would like to restore
  • WARNING: If you delete items from the Trash Can, they are deleted forever and can not be recovered

Content Langauge

There are two langauge selectors in the main top left menu.  One is to choose the administraiton language and the other is to choose the default content language you want to edit in the system.

For example, if you are French and want all the of the Administration to be in French you would choose French from the Admin Language pulldown.  If you are editing the English language content of the site, then you would choose Content Langauge as English so that all the edit pages of content will default to English when opened.

Administration Language: Sets the administration interface language

Content Langauge: Sets the default language for editor when editing content in administration

Legacy Version

In some modules you will see a link on the far right of the module sub-menu.  This will open up the Legacy version of the administration for that module in a new tab.  The Legacy link will be displayed while a module is in Beta mode and will be removed when the module is fully released and stable.


To logout of the system, click the Logout link in the far right top corner.  Alternatively you can add the following variable to the end of a url to accomplish the same thing ?logout.  For example if I was on the contact page of the public site,, I could add ?logout to this url and hit enter (e.g.

Collapse Header

If you want to save vertical space you can click on the small arrow on the top right to collapse the top header. To expand, just click on the arrow again


  • If you see a search box in the top bar of a module, it will search the main fields of data
  • If the grid has an advanced search, you will see a link in the top bar on the right side that says "Advanced Search".

Version of System

The current version of your system is displayed in the top header to the right of the system logo.  If there is a .x after the main number, it means your site is running on the development version of the software.

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