Add Your Video to The Site:
OPTION 1 - Upload a mp4 video
To add a video to your site, please ensure that it is in the mp4 format so it can be played on every platform. If you don't have the video in this format, upload it to Youtube and follow the instructions in option 2.
1. After logging into the admin side of your site, upload the video to a folder in the File Manager module.
2. Place one of the following tags to the source view of the page where you want the video to play:
For simple player:
<sys:player title="My Video" data="/data/video.mp4"/>
For player with size specification:
<sys:player title="My Video" data="/data/video.mp4" width="100%" height="200"/>
Note: In both of the above tags, the "data" shows the path to the file in the file manager module. For example, if you uploaded your video to /data/videos/groupa/video.mp4, then the first tag would change to this: <sys:player title="My Video" data="/data/videos/groupa/video.mp4"/>
3. Hit "Publish to Live" to have the video show on the page.
OPTION 2: Add a Video from Youtube/other video channel:
Take the "Embed" code from your video and add it to the source view section of the page that you want the video show.
Hit "Publish to Live" to have the video show on the page.
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