Static And Dynamic Pages
In order to reduce system resources, a caching system is integral to all site pages. Each page that is served can have a copy of the entire HTML saved to server cache where all future requests to this page will serve the page from server cache as opposed to dynamically creating the page again. We refer to these pages as "Static Pages".
Certain pages on the site should not be saved as static. For example, the results of a search should always be dynamic. Certain system tags placed on a page tell the caching system not to create a cached version of the page. As in this example, if a page has the tag to output the search results, it will always be dynamic.
There are also some url variables that also force the page to be dynamic as seen in this list below:
- forceDesign (allows you to change the design template temporarily, e.g. /?forceDesign=newlayout)\
- gadebug - Value 1 - debugging on, 0 - off. Include debugging ga_debug.js script for Google Analytics.
- dynamic (forces the page to be dynamic. e.g. /?dynamic)
- destroy - destroy user session/log user out
CMS Access Rights
- editor (open the current page in the editor. e.g. /?editor) / UNSTABLE!
Web Server Logic
When a request is sent to the web server if any of the variables above are present, the page is delivered to the system for processing as dynamic. If any other variable is used the page is served as static if a static copy exists. The static version is saved without any of the variables. For example, if a person clicks on a Google Adwords URL, the tracking variables are ignored by the system and a static page without the variables will be served. The javascript on the page will extract the variables and push the data to Google properly.
Any random variable will not trigger a dynamic page.
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