
Double Opt-in is another option in the Setup menu of CRM.

What is Double Opt-in?

This is the technical term used to describe the  2nd step in a 2-step subscription process that makes sure that only valid email addresses get added to your website's mailing subscription list.

The double opt-in email is a follow up email to the 1st step of filling out a sign-up form or checking an option to subscribe the person to a mailing list.

In some countries (namely in Europe), it's required by law that users are double opted-in before they are adding to a mailing list. 

Setting up Double Opt-in

Clicking the Double Opt-in option in CRM will show the details to set the double opt-in email so the subscriber can confirm their subscription to a mailing. 

You can set a different email for each language on the website.

Make sure you change the contetn type to HTML if you are going to format the email using HTML. If not, you can keep it plain text. See example below of how to complete the details for the setup of the double opt-in email.

Here's the code that you will need to generate the link so the user can confirm the email subscription:

<td colspan="2" align="center">
<h3><a href="{mail/link}" target="_blank" style="color: #004E96;"><strong>Please click here to confirm your email subscription<br/>
with us.</strong></a> </h3>


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