
Adding Comments to the Site

How do I show all comments on one page and can I limit them to only show comments above a certain rating

1. Open the CMS module, find the page where you want all comments to show, then

2. Insert “cmt-comments” widget. To do this:

  • Click on “Widget” icon
  • Open “All Widgets” tab
  • Expand COMMENTS section
  • Click on green “Plus” icon on the right of “cmt-comments” 

In opened window select:

  • Modules (All, E-commerce, Blog etc.)
  • Sorting options
  • Type “comments-all.xsl” in “XSLT File” field.
  • And click “Save” button.

Insert overall rating

If you want to to show rating summary above your comments, you can go through similar steps:

1. Open the CMS module, find the page where you want all comments to show, then

2. Insert “cmt-comments-summary” widget. To do this:

  • Click on “Widget” icon
  • Open “All Widgets” tab
  • Expand COMMENTS section
  • Click on green “Plus” icon on the right of “cmt-comments-summary”

In opened window select:

  • Modules (All, E-commerce, Blog etc.)
  • Sorting options
  • Type “summary-agregate-itempage.xsl” in “XSLT File” field.

Alternative Solution

If you are okay with editing source code, we have for you much faster solution.

Open the CMS module, find the page where you want all comments to show, then just place the following snippet to your CMS page in “Source View”

<sys:cmt-comments-summary xslt="summary-agregate-itempage.xsl"/>

<sys:cmt-comments xslt="comments-all.xsl" sortby="date" order-dir=”desc" modules="all" page-size="100"/>

<sys:cmt-comments-summary/> tag will output rating and <sys:cmt-comments/> comments itself

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