

What does the weird gray rectangular box in the editor mean?
What does the weird gray rectangular box in the editor mean?
When I go to some of my pages, I see a weird gray rectangular box that I can’t edit. What is this for?
Re: What does the weird gray box in the editor mean?
The gray boxes in the WYSIWYG editor are widgets that connect other modules to the page. These display the data from a given module based on the settings and layout specified in the original module.

A very common one is the forms widget that will show like this if you switch to the Source editor:

<sys:xform display="F2" _width="220" _height="40" _title="XForm"></sys:xform>

It displays the F2 form that has been created in the Forms module. Unless you are completely sure of what you’re doing, please do not remove these widgets. You can generally type above or below them. If you need to make changes to the data that is coming from the widget, go to the related module and make your edits there.

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