
Add a New Blog Post

To create a post within a blog perform the following steps:

Step 1: Choose the right blog.

You may have multiple blogs like in the example below, so be sure to choose the right one.

Within the Blog module, double-click on the blog name or hit the Edit icon next to the blog you'd like to add a post to 


Step 2: Create a new post

Click the Add New Post button

Step 3: Setup

Enter data for the following fields: 

Active Uncheck the option if you don't want your post to be visible after you hit save/publish.
Post Title This is the main title of the post that will be visible on the blog
Publish Date Choose the date and time you want the post to appear on the blog
Post Body Using the WYSIWYG editor, add the content of your post. For more information on how to use the editor visit this page
Post Image Upload any image you may want. Make sure it is optimized - it should be small in terms of kb.
Tags Click on an existing tag that describes this content or add a new one.

When you are done, either click Publish to make it live or Save to keep this post and not publish. Remember that if you publish a post, it will trigger notifications to all the subscribers, if any

Hint: Depending on the settings under Access Rights, you may not be able to Publish the post without approval from someone else.

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